4000 AI sensors placed worldwide, collecting Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals from smartphones, hands-free car-kits and much more, delivering over 10GB of data daily.
Travel & Lifestyle
A mobile app that connects outdoor enthusiasts and provides quality content while trekking outdoors.
Melanie Colón
Founder, Apt App
Visla’s attention to detail and their ability to communicate have both blown me away. They’ve exceeded our expectations with those two things.
Marta Pieniążek
Co-owner, Lamillou
Conversion rates grew exponentially within the first few months thanks to more streamlined customer experience and visually appealing design. Visla is a talented and competent team.
Mike Ostman
Founding Partner, 1043Labs
Visla’s expertise has allowed for a more holistic services offering, fulling needs around scalability and garnering new clients.